Independent Living: Job Skills & Financial Planning
Independent Living: Job Skills & Financial Planning
Nevada Homes for Youth’s Independent Living: Job Skills + Financial Planning class is the newest addition to NHY’s coursework for teens. This class explores how to prepare job applications, resumes, cover letters, and how to use them. The course also covers key aspects of job interviewing, and will practice techniques with a partner. In addition, students will learn about teamwork, communication and business attire. Too often young adults have to learn about financial planning through a series of bad mistakes. In an effort to avoid those mishaps, we will be exploring financial literacy and money management, including banking, checks, checking accounts, creating a budget, setting financial goals, loans, interest, and credit. Reserve your seat now, as space is limited.
***This class counts as 3 hours of community service***
- Location: UNLV Campus - Student Union, Room 205 (On 5/6/17 and 7/8/17 class will beheld in the Student Recreation & Wellness Center - Room 1010)
- Time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm
- Space is limited.
- Price: $25 in advance / $30 at the door